Wednesday, 9 January 2008

Revolution in Sydney!

They DO still exist: Genuine marxist idealists! And I found them. Why does Stephan find socialist idealists in Sydney as opposed to traveling around the country? Well, that’s how it happened:

In the last few days I saw a poster hanging around my area promoting a presentation with the following title: „The Trial of Oscar Wilde and the Rise of Homophobia“. Sounded somewhat interesting, was free and I didn’t have anything better to do, so I went.

This presentation then revealed ist nature as a meeting of a group called „ Socialist Alternative”. That was when I started asking myself what I’ve gotten myself into. Anyway, the presentation was awful in structure and argumentation but presented with loads of pathos. I didn’t think it would be possible to garnish a presentation about the oppression of homosexuals with the word “capital” to such an extent. The following discussion, in which I amazingly didn’t take part, increased all this and condemned the current system as root of all evil. Actually, the term "discussion" doesn't really fit here, rather than "collective argumentative construction of consent". It was really interesting to note the argumentative and intellectual advantage of the elder members, which differentiated themselves from the otherwise typical “Yeah, against” and “The capital ist the fundamental problem“ to an astonishing degree. Maybe age DOES mean wisdom. I also heard the word “Bourgeois” for the first time in ages in an actual discussion. Almost lovable in their anachronism, this bunch is.

Naturally the outcome of it all was that the capital is guilty of the suppression of homosexuals and of anything else anyway. I witnessed the rhetorical fraternization of homosexuals, communists and all other minorities into a single mob, which rises against the oppression of the imperialistic capital, taking the “amazing achievements of the Russian (October)Revolution” as an example ... or something along these lines. There are certain gay, liberal politicians who’s opinion about that I would really like to hear.

After I skimmed through their party organ with the creative name “„Socialist Alternative“ I started to sincerely worry about being observed by Australian Homeland Security after visiting this event.

The following lines are taken from their motives and aims:

„We are for a society in which ordinary people control every aspect of life“ (Erm, kennen wir schon)

“A successful revolution will involve the workers taking control of their workplace, dismantling existing state institutions (parliaments, courts, the armed forces and police) and replacing them with genuinely democratic ones.”

Outch! Should you not hear of me for a while you can assume that I either got arrested by the Secret Service for conspiracy against the state organs of Australia or that I was silenced by the Socialist Alternative for presumably being a spy of the imperialist-capitalist powers – completely democratically of course.

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